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Mandlakhe travel&tours 

Anytime anywhere 


We do Hluhluwe imfolozi park 

Dumazulu cultural village 

St lucia cruise boat

All transfers Durban/Richards bay 

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Hluhluwe Imfolozi Park

Hluhluwe Imfolozi Park

Hello everyone, I'm Mandlakhe Mthethwa based in Richards Bay. I would like to encourage all of you to join me on an incredible and enjoyable excursion. Booking your excursion will guarantee your happiness. I am excited to offer you a trip to Hluhluwe Imfolozi Park, the oldest park in Africa and home to the big five wildlife animals: lion, rhino, buffalo, elephant, and leopard, as well as various other small animals, different species of antelope, zebra, giraffe, wild dog, and different species...

Taxi anytime anywhere

Taxi anytime anywhere

Taxi service  Around Richards bay

Durban tour

Durban tour

Welcome to Durban  like to offer you the tour to Phezulu safari cultural village with iTala private game park both tour we can do it on the same day with reasonable price $150 per person includes all the fee for a tour 

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